Play Laser Tag In Our New Laser Tag Arena. Game Sessions are 30 Minutes in Length.
Sunday – Thursday: Sessions every 30 Minutes, Starting at 10:30am, Last Game Time is 9:30pm
Friday & Saturday: Sessions every 30 Minutes, Starting at 10:30am, Last Game Time is 11:30pm
Laser Tag at Space Entertainment Center is played in a 5,000 sq. ft multi-
You will travel up and down ramps, hide behind pillars and weave thru passageways as a soundtrack pulsates. With themed artwork on the walls, surround sound, fog and various special effects, you will feel immersed in another world as you play and compete.
At the end of each game, players receive a score sheet. We can play up to 40 laser tag players at one time.
Because we designed our laser tag arena as a sport game, you’ll be able to follow the action.
All games are supervised by a referee. When there is five or less players, we run the “Free-For- All” Laser Tag game, where all the players are Blue. It’s every man for themselves.
“Shields Recharge” is still a team laser tag game. With fewer players, you won’t have to return to your team’s energizer during the game. If you’re deactivated, you’ll recharge right where you are on the field. The goal is to tag other players.
There’s so much to explore in this arena, you’ll need to come back again and again.
For your safety and to enhance the game play experience, it’s best to wear comfortable shoes or sneakers when playing laser tag. We advise against wearing flip flops.
Laser Tag Arena play is $18 per person for a 30 minute game play session. Save when you play more, 2 Sessions per the same person are $30 and 3 Sessions per the same person are $36.
If you would like to reserve the Laser Tag Arena exclusively for your group, we require a minimum of 30 players. Please call 603.621.5150.